· 7 Imagine Dragons 54 Jokes by Leanna Renee "If you can dream it, you can make it" Strange, because I can imagine dragons, and yet *looks around, shrugging* no dragons Apr 27th, 18 via twitterCause I'm going to be dragon my balls over your face later 11 level 1 Comment deleted by user 2 years ago 1 child level 2 2 years ago Nothing beats the classics lmao 3 ShareGirl No Guy (Takes penis out) Well now that the p is out, I guess I'm a raper

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Tinder imagine dragons deez nuts joke
Tinder imagine dragons deez nuts joke-Hey do you like Wendy's?38 Jokes Like Joe Mama And Yuri Tarded (joe mama, text to speech, pokimane)trendcrave So, theres joe mama yuri tarded/dopted sugondese nuts ligma nuts candice pp fit in ur mom edits Joe mama so fat she disproved flat earthers by being round and flatter than earth Make sure to vote and comment me!!

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· 7 Imagine Dragons 54 Jokes by Leanna Renee "If you can dream it, you can make it" Strange, because I can imagine dragons, and yet *looks around, shrugging* no dragons Apr 27th, 18 via twitterFunniest Tinder Jokes My Tinder bio says that I have a corner office with views of the entire city, drive a $500,000 vehicle, and that I'm paid to travel My dates never seem too happy when I tell them I'm a bus driver A girl I met on tinder said "don't even bother talking to me if your height starts with 5" Jokes on her, I'm 4'11Do you prefer the Yankees or the Expos?
The worlds greatest foreskin teller Knock Knock Who's there?The kinda place I go to blow my Wad I'll give you a nickel if you tickle my pickel Lets play circus, first sit on my face i'll guess ur weight and i'll eat the difference Guy Did you know I am a rapper?Hey did what's his name get at you last night?
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